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Tuesday, November 23, 2010
one of the awesomest things I've seen in awhile
Thanks Babalucas. As if I wasn't having enough fun at the movie you went & showed me this.
Monday, November 22, 2010
Is this thing on?
So i just downloaded a Blogger app to my phone to aid in my quest to write SOMETHING i think if I can get the hang of this to the point i can blog with the ease of updating my Facebook...well, something funny might end up here. Guess we'll see!
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Catching up on November...
So Sister and Seth are home (S2 - HAH!). Went home and watched Half Blood Prince with them so they could prepare for the awesomeness that is Deathly Hallows Pt. 1. the fun came in explaining it to them AND especially to Little Mommie who has NO clue what's going on, bless her. At the end, they had questions I couldn't explain without wrecking the movies (Pt. 1 and 2). Sister simply responded "JULY? UGH." Hee hee.
So the 2 highlights of the midnight Harry Potter viewing were as follows:
So the 2 highlights of the midnight Harry Potter viewing were as follows:
- Some random pack of kids acting something called Potter Puppeteers? didn't know what the crap was going on, but I enjoyed it all the same.
- As Babalucas was
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Wednesday, November 3, 2010
Crips it's November already? Some random thoughts...
kinda embarassed for myself that I've not posted in awhile. Claire, you're my role model in all things bloggy - mayhaps a few tips to be more regular/consistent?
If anyone cares, I don't have regular access to a computer with internet so I'm going to have to work on the regular posting thing.
Work's about to get more exciting. Along with the usual nonsense, I have less than 2 weeks to our annual Thanksgiving Party where we invite all the kids' family. It's our opportunity to see them, for them to see us (and more importantly see we aren't the enemy) and for the kids to hopefully have some things to brag about. It's a LOT of work. I might need a vacation after that. I'll keep you posted.
Goodness, I gotta start watching Boardwalk Empire. It's pretty....WOW. I just walked into Timmay's apartment and have NO idea what's going on with the trainwreck I'm watching. YIKES.
Excited for my sister and Seth to come home for their Thanksgiving visit. Don't know how much time I'll have but I'm excited regardless.
If you're not already watching the second season of the LDX on're ridiculous. get with the program.
More as it occurs...
Wednesday, April 21, 2010
Weather Goddess, Wherefore Art Thou?
As I desert civilization, clearly the Weather Goddess has currently deserted me. Cuz as I left today with my dad and our friend Ken to hike the PCT (that'd be the Pacific Crest Trail for the uneducated. Here - Learn it, love it people!) it has been non-stop rain. Might even snow. This might be a little more "fun" than I originally signed up for...
So we drove all day to get to SoCal. Ended up in Warner Springs around 8-something, due to the icky weather, my mentors in all things PCT decided we were going indoors for the night (cuz let's face it, who the heck wants to pitch a tent in the rain at NIGHT if you don't have to?) and stopped at Warner Springs Ranch ( for the night. THIS PLACE IS AWESOME! I might drive down here and hang out for a couple days just for the heck of it! We got our room, had a little free cheesey rice and lentils for dinner, then Daddoo and I headed to the lodge for free internet and Ken went to the Hot Springs.
Signing off now. Hopefully, there'll be more free internet in my future over the next 2 weeks so I can keep relaying my adventures!
So we drove all day to get to SoCal. Ended up in Warner Springs around 8-something, due to the icky weather, my mentors in all things PCT decided we were going indoors for the night (cuz let's face it, who the heck wants to pitch a tent in the rain at NIGHT if you don't have to?) and stopped at Warner Springs Ranch ( for the night. THIS PLACE IS AWESOME! I might drive down here and hang out for a couple days just for the heck of it! We got our room, had a little free cheesey rice and lentils for dinner, then Daddoo and I headed to the lodge for free internet and Ken went to the Hot Springs.
Signing off now. Hopefully, there'll be more free internet in my future over the next 2 weeks so I can keep relaying my adventures!
Sunday, March 21, 2010
And now my Kat is here too!
Kat got here last night. And Whistler was here for a hot minute too, he left this morning to actually get some studying done.
I went to work for a couple hours and when I got back Ubi, Kat and Whistler had gone to Love at First Bite in Albany and brought back cupcakes - YAY! Whistler left, we walked down the hill and around the neighborhood to get supplies for dinner. I also went and grabbed a slice of pizza (I thought one slice versus a stuffed burger was a better choice!). We had quiet time/reading time/Hulu time after that (caught up on Bones and Scrubs), then Kat made dinner:
- Chicken and broccoli alfredo with red chili noodles
- mushroom risotto
She also baked:
- Triple berry/white chocolate monkey bread
- funfetti cake
Good thing I'm not the fatty Ubi is when it comes to Kat's food.
Now we're watching True Blood. Bwahahahahahaha - they're both into it. And of ALL the things for Ubi to pick up on...the guy who plays Artie on Glee did a guest turn on True Blood.
3.5 miles wore Ubi OUT.
So yesterday was my one big day with Ubi during his visit and since he's been super supportive of my walking, one of this week's to-dos was to go on a hike which we did yesterday. We started at the Albany Target (otherwise known at Ubi's Target) then started hiking along the trail along the water. We walked around Golden Gate Fields and encountered something Ubi simply had to climb.

We then kept walking, goofing around at the various beaches and finally stopping at the SeaBreeze Fruit Stand off University.

Totally going back there at first opportunity, while I already knew they had a coffee bar, a smoothie stand and fruit,

much to my entertainment, they have a full cooler section, from Gatorade to beer and wine. They also have a food counter where they make (eeeeeeee!) fresh garlic crab. Ubi and I both grabbed snacks, rest for a second and kept moving. The endgame? EmeryBay Food Court (AKA Food Heaven), for a total of 3.5 miles. And I think this picture sums it all up.

Hee hee. Poor Ubi. He said he should've trained before going on a walk with me.
Thursday, March 18, 2010
My Ace is here!!!
So I picked up Ubi from the airport. It's so fun to have him here. Kitten is here too but is hanging out with a friend thru the weekend, THEN will come see me and Timmy. There are so many options and literally not even close to the time we have to do them in. Gotta go the Happiest Food Places on Earth (ie pho and Food Market). Gotta go to Japantown. The movies. LOL, maybe the Vans outlet to really freak out Ubi. Oh yeah, and HIS Target. That can't be left out.
Yeah I've got two guests for Spring Break, I'm the new Spring Break hot spot, what can I say? :)
Wednesday, March 17, 2010
Ah Tuesday. Not quite the heartless bitch that your friend Monday is...
A good day. Work was eventful, but managable (good fluffy thoughts go out to a couple of the chillens. They know who they are). Got e-time done in a reasonable amount of time (note: it really is easier when I do it on a regular basis instead of doing most of it the night it's due - if you're reading this, shut up John) and made it home before 7. Now that Daylight Savings is in effect, I was able to enjoy some daylight at home which was AWESOME. Took Houdini outside for 10 minutes and hung out with her on my shoulder so she could watch birds and smell things (I wonder if that counts as weightlifting since she's a fatty). I left her at home and walked my hood, approximately 40 minutes to Brickyard Cove and 30 minutes back.
*Note of Appreciation for my dad:
He had been texting me all day encouraging me to get my walk/bike/some form of sweaty exercise on. Due to today being Meeting Day I just didn't have time to answer. Finally he just sent:
"Where are you?"
And I responded "at work"
He then replied with:
"so sad, too bad, your dad"
That had me laughing very hard. I enjoyed it deeply (thanks Daddoo).
He then text later informing me it was time to leave work and to go home and walk. That was awesome and super supportive. Hence I left and caught daylight!
Made some purple steamed rice for dinner with veggies and chicken. (purple rice = long grain black rice and long grain brown rice) Super yummy. On the TV agenda - Bones (as often stated, I love me some Seeley Booth), Man vs. Food (while awesome, the challenges Adam goes are horrifying in a trainwreck kinda way) and currently watching Big Bang Theory for the nth time while I type this ("Bazinga!").
Things I'm looking forward to:
1) Ubi arrives Thursday night
2) Kat arrives Monday night
3) Timmy and I leave April 1 for Vegas and Tozzer's wedding!
No idea what activities we'll be doing while Ubi and Kat are here for their Spring Break but it'll be fun!!! If anyone has ideas, I'm totally open to suggestions. I know that we'll be going to their 3 happiest food places (aka Hidden City Cafe, Ranch 99 and the Emeryville Public Food Market), but other than that, we'll be making it up from there...
Tuesday, March 9, 2010
What's up World!
Guess who's back, back again, Annie's back, tell a friend...
No not really.
Thanks to Miz Claire, I've come back to this medium. Unclear what I'll be posting here so far. Probably a little work (can I really leave out that level of entertainment?), a little friends (a must), a little men (as they reveal themselves), my exercise program (2-3 weeks on the PCT with the Daddoo!), a little TV (I'm addicted, I can admit that)...guess we'll see!
Currently off work for a few days, sprained ankle, need to keep off it. Propped up on my couch watching Generation Kill. This might be my new favorite thing! Dang that HBO and their wacky programming.
So far Houdini's confused. Pleased that I'm home way more than normal, but confused. She keeps sitting on my bum ankle the jerk. Well, that and bringing me a nail file. Haven't figure that one out yet.
And speaking of favorite things, Timmy and I took in the first Roller Derby match of the BADG season, the Richmond Wrecking Belles against Sacramento. Final score you ask? 203-88. Did I mention the Richmond Wrecking Belles are the 3-time champs? It was nowhere as crazy as traditional roller derby (flat track vs. curved, no rails, very particular types of checking), but it was still exhausting to watch and the ladies were awesome. Yes, I bought a shirt and shall be rocking it at every opportunity. Next couple matches are at Ft. Mason - who's in???
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