A good day. Work was eventful, but managable (good fluffy thoughts go out to a couple of the chillens. They know who they are). Got e-time done in a reasonable amount of time (note: it really is easier when I do it on a regular basis instead of doing most of it the night it's due - if you're reading this, shut up John) and made it home before 7. Now that Daylight Savings is in effect, I was able to enjoy some daylight at home which was AWESOME. Took Houdini outside for 10 minutes and hung out with her on my shoulder so she could watch birds and smell things (I wonder if that counts as weightlifting since she's a fatty). I left her at home and walked my hood, approximately 40 minutes to Brickyard Cove and 30 minutes back.
*Note of Appreciation for my dad:
He had been texting me all day encouraging me to get my walk/bike/some form of sweaty exercise on. Due to today being Meeting Day I just didn't have time to answer. Finally he just sent:
"Where are you?"
And I responded "at work"
He then replied with:
"so sad, too bad, your dad"
That had me laughing very hard. I enjoyed it deeply (thanks Daddoo).
He then text later informing me it was time to leave work and to go home and walk. That was awesome and super supportive. Hence I left and caught daylight!
Made some purple steamed rice for dinner with veggies and chicken. (purple rice = long grain black rice and long grain brown rice) Super yummy. On the TV agenda - Bones (as often stated, I love me some Seeley Booth), Man vs. Food (while awesome, the challenges Adam goes are horrifying in a trainwreck kinda way) and currently watching Big Bang Theory for the nth time while I type this ("Bazinga!").
Things I'm looking forward to:
1) Ubi arrives Thursday night
2) Kat arrives Monday night
3) Timmy and I leave April 1 for Vegas and Tozzer's wedding!
No idea what activities we'll be doing while Ubi and Kat are here for their Spring Break but it'll be fun!!! If anyone has ideas, I'm totally open to suggestions. I know that we'll be going to their 3 happiest food places (aka Hidden City Cafe, Ranch 99 and the Emeryville Public Food Market), but other than that, we'll be making it up from there...